Thought for the Week 5th March 2017

 In Joining Jesus

1.      How do I share the gospel?

This is a key question! How do I reach a place in a conversation where I can tell people what the gospel is?  This is critical and much missed part of conversations that we have. Lets look again at Jesus conversation with the woman at the well to see the importance of this.  At the end of the conversation:


25 The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” 26 Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he.”

Put simply – Jesus told her who He was!  If we are going to share the gospel with people it is necessary that we tell people who Jesus is!  Again we are often far more afraid of doing this than we need to be!  We are so concerned about offending a person that we would rather say nothing, here are some things that I hope will help you:

1.      When you have built a relationship with a person who has become interested in your life then it is a natural thing to explain who Jesus is and what he has done in your life. 

2.      Most people are not as against the Christian faith as we think – they just don’t know what we believe.

3.      Using stories and speaking about your own experiences is helpful.

4.      You know enough about the gospel to be able to explain it to a person who wants to know what it is all about.  Don’t become over-anxious and convince yourself, before you even start, that you will get it all wrong!  Remember – you are not alone!  Jesus said ‘I will be with you!’

This week ask God to give you the opportunity to share the gospel message with one person.