Thought for the Week 2nd April 2017

 In Joining Jesus

4.         Joining Jesus in His Mission – ‘knock’

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.  (Matt 7:7,8)


Have you ever been to visit somebody, gone to the door of their house and then stood there just hoping that they will come and let you in?  I doubt it.


It is much more likely that you wanted them to know that you had arrived so you knocked on the door so that would come and let you in.


Having told people who want to live for Him to ask God for the Holy Spirit and seek first His Kingdom, Jesus adds that we should knock because ‘the door will be opened’.


There is a way into the fulfillment of all that God has for us and wants to do in our lives but to receive this we need to ‘knock’ and then we can enter in.


As I ponder the things that God wants to do to change me more into His likeness I am aware that I have a choice to make.  I can stand there and do nothing, or I can decide to act upon what I know is the right thing to do and I can knock on the door and enter into what He has for me.


The same choice faces all of us as Christians.  We can choose to be satisfied with living a life that is partially surrendered to God and through which there is little witness to the world around us or, we can choose to enter into all that He has for us, allow Him to transform us and then, through us to transform the world.


To enter in we have to knock.


This week, I urge you not to be ‘satisfied’  – but to ask, and to seek and to knock – God WILL respond!