Pethers’ Prayer Points – 9th July 2019

 In Prayer Points

Welcome to my latest Pethers Prayer Points.

I am sorry that you have not heard from me for a while! This PPP is a little longer than usual as it covers a few weeks of activity – it is definitely worth the extra couple of minutes that it will take to read it, so please READ ON.

As you may remember, my last communication provided an outline of The Rooftop Africa Summit. Thank you so much for your prayers regarding this, it was an amazing time and enormously significant for the ongoing development of The Rooftop. Below is a brief summary of some of what happened:

• The Summit was attended by National Pioneers from 14 countries across Africa and the passion and enthusiasm of each of them was a joy.
• I was able to outline the vison of The Rooftop to the Pioneers and it was very exciting to see them really grasp it and to engage in numerous conversations with them about how they will be introducing/developing the movement in their country as they seek to equip churches to Join Jesus in His Mission.
• As well as presenting the vision there was a clear focus on the biblical foundation of The Rooftop as well as a strong emphasis on the character of a National Pioneer. This teaching was delivered by Rev Stephen Gaukroger of the Clarion Trust who is the International Chairman of The Rooftop. His input was excellent and so important! No pioneer left the Summit without a clear understanding of The Rooftop and the kind of Christ Follower that they need to be as they pioneer the movement in their country.
• Strong relationships were built among the pioneers and, very importantly, regional leaders have now been recognized for Southern, East and West Africa.
• The Pioneers left the Summit with a passion to develop the movement in the countries where they are as well as to introduce it into bordering countries. It is likely that The Rooftop will be in 20 countries across Africa by the end of 2019.
• We concluded the summit by providing certificates to all the National Pioneers and agreeing together that we would be seeking to make 250,000 disciples across Africa over the next 5 years.

As well as the more ‘formal’ teaching and equipping it was also very exciting to go out into the community with the Pioneers and share the gospel with people that lived nearby. During one afternoon, we were able to lead 5 people to become followers of Jesus.

On a more personal note, one morning as I was walking to the church building where the equipping was taking place, a young ‘Motorbike Taxi Rider’, seeing that I was clearly not a ‘local’ asked if I was a preacher, when he discovered that I was he asked for a bible. The following day, I gave him a bible and then 4 other ‘taxi riders’ asked for bibles. I said I would get one for each of them as long as they let me tell them the story of Jesus when I gave it to them. The following morning, 2 of the riders met with me and I gave them each a bible and told them about Jesus. They both became followers of Jesus! I then gave them the other two bibles and asked them to give these to their friends who did not make it for our meeting. I instructed them to tell their friends about the Jesus of the Bible who they were now following! It is all about making disciples who make disciples.

Following The Rooftop Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, I travelled South East to Madagascar, an Island off of the coast of Mainland Africa and, following an equipping day with The Rooftop Madagascar Board, was able to speak as part of the Launch Celebration of The Rooftop Madagscar. The enthusiasm and excitement for the ministry there was so inspiring.

My last stop was in Uitenhage, South Africa. Chris, Dikana, the National Pioneer for The Rooftop South Africa had arranged a ‘Revival Weekend’ that involved 6 churches from across the city, joining together to seek God’s heart for the lost and to explore how best to ‘Join Jesus in His Mission’. The atmosphere at the meetings was ‘electric’ and the response was truly humbling as so many who gathered cried out to God asking Him to fill them with His passion for the lost. It was also a great encouragement to witness a deep and growing unity among the ‘six’ churches who increasingly spoke of themselves as ‘one church with one mission – THE MISSION OF JESUS’.

That was Africa!

I am now back in the UK and will be focusing on some key things during July, these include:

• Preparation for The Rooftop Latin America Summit taking place 4-8th November 2019 in Panama.
• Meetings with leaders from a number of cities across the area where I live to explore how The Rooftop may be used as part of an ‘Awakening’.
• Completing the ‘Joining Jesus’ Discipleship materials that will be used by our National Pioneers across Africa (and beyond) beginning in September 2019.

Please would you pray regarding the following:

• For all of the Pioneers across Africa that they will effectively develop The Rooftop in the countries where they live (and beyond) and that they will equip Christians to make many disciples who make disciples.
• For funding! Each of the Pioneers in Africa requires some funds that will enable them to travel and host meetings/produce materials to equip leaders and Christians across their countries. The costs of making many disciples is very small-per-disciple but funds are needed URGENTLY. Please pray for God’s provision.
• For me as I complete the ‘Joining Jesus’ materials that are an integral part of the disciple-making movement across Africa and beyond. (These will also be translated into Spanish and used across Latin America in the future).
• For the meetings that I will be having with leaders from across my local area, that God will open the doors that He wants me to go through.
• On Sunday 14th July I will preaching at Gold Hill Baptist Church on the theme of ‘Joining Jesus in His Mission’. Please pray that God will speak clearly and that many will respond to the challenge to ‘Join Jesus in His Mission’.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

In Jesus,
