Pethers Prayer Points – 4th September 2019

 In International Pioneer, Prayer Points

4th September 2019

Welcome to my latest, and what will be my last PPP.
Don’t’ worry, I am not leaving the ministry!

The reason that this will be the final Newsletter sent as Pethers Prayer Points is that the growth of The Rooftop ministry means that there are so many stories to tell that I want you to hear and so much that needs prayer! This is especially true now that we are now coming close to, what could be a remarkable MOMENT THAT LEADS TO A MOVEMENT – The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER taking place on 10th October 2020 in up to 100 countries around the world.

The potential for this unique event is so great that we have decided that all communications that we send from now until the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER will feature this event. As such, from next time, I will be sending GLOBAL ENCOUNTER NEWS which will include regular updates on what is happening with The Rooftop around the world as we approach this unique event.

I will also include a ‘Personal Section’ where I will continue to share some more personal/family news and prayer needs.

Since I last wrote things have been pretty non-stop!
Over the past couple of weeks I have been meeting with a number of pastors in my home ‘city’ of Chelmsford as I am keen that the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER in 2020 will be launched from where I live. It is a wonderful part of God’s sovereignty that Chelmsford is ‘The Birthplace of Radio’ and from the city that began global mass communication I will launching a global event that will envision and equip Christians to join Jesus in His Mission.

It dawned on me during a meeting with a pastor in Chelmsford that the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER is something quite remarkable. I guess that I have been communicating this vision for such a long time that I have forgotten how big this could be. After I had shared the vision of the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER, the pastor looked at me across the table and said “This is a big deal…This is a really big deal”. He continued: “There is nothing else like this happening in the world, this is unique, God could do something amazing through this”. I pray that He is right and that all the glory goes to God!

I have spent the last few days in Los Angeles meeting with a number of Hispanic pastors and leaders in preparation for The Rooftop Latin America Summit that will be taking place in early November 19. As is so often the case, I was amazed to see the ways that God had gone before me and led me to the people that He wants to be a part of what He is doing through The Rooftop. We now have a really good group of people working together in preparation for the Summit.
On Sunday, I preached at three Hispanic churches in different parts of LA. It was such a thrill to see many people responding to the challenge to Join Jesus in His Mission.

Coming Up:

Over the next couple days I will be completing the first module of the Joining Jesus Discipleship Processthat will be used across Africa. This module consists of 12 sessions that focus on the Mission of Jesus and how, as leaders, we can join Him in that mission and equip the church to do the same.

I would really appreciate your prayers in relation to ‘Joining Jesus Africa’ please pray:

  • That God will inspire me to write the materials that can be used to accelerate a disciple-making movement across Africa.
  • That the Pioneers who use the materials will be used by God to equip disciple-making disciples and that this will lead to multiplication of disciple-making disciples.

On Thursday I will be leading Session 1 Of the Joining Jesus online coaching for pastors across Arizona, please pray that God uses this session to help the 17 pastors that will be online to really grasp the true mission of Jesus.

On Saturday I will be at The Rooftop international Council Meeting in North Carolina. With the focus now turning very much towards The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER, we have many exciting and challenging things to consider and seek God for. Please pray that we will hear the Lord’s voice and pray also for Stephen Gaukroger, the chairman of the council, that God will use him to lead the group effectively.

On Sunday morning I will be preaching at Big Bone Baptist Church in Union Kentucky and then at 6pm leading a Rooftop Encounter for churches across Northern Kentucky at the Garden of Hope in Covington KY overlooking Cincinatti. Please pray that God speaks through me in the morning and that the ENCOUNTER in the evening is transformational for many Christians as they seek a fresh vision of God’s heart for the lost.

On a personal note, I would appreciate prayers for Lynn, she is in the process of changing jobs and would appreciate your prayers as she says goodbye to her current employers (something she never finds easy) and begins to get ready for her new role.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

In Jesus,


church leaders