Pethers’ Prayer Points – 30th June 2019

 In International Pioneer, Prayer Points

Welcome to my latest Pethers Prayer Points.

As you read this PPP you will see that your prayers and support are needed greatly!

We are reaching more people in more countries and have the opportunity to expand a disciple-making movement that spreads across the globe.

It is difficult to explain, in just a few words, all of the things that are happening as The Rooftop continues to make an impact across the world. The growth and potential of this ministry is such that we are now focusing on a ‘God-sized vision’ that will, we believe, result in us making 1,000,000 new disciples in 100 countries over the next 5 years.

As you read this you may be thinking ‘Hallelujah’ or ‘Has Dennis gone crazy?’ (or something in between!) So, let me provide some context for this vision.

We are focusing on this God-sized vision because He is opening doors and providing us with opportunities that make this outcome ‘Huge but achievable’ because He is doing it.

Central to this vision are the Rooftop Pioneers that are working so hard to share the vision of The Rooftop both in the countries where they live and also in neighbouring countries. In September we will be commencing the ‘Joining Jesus Disciple-making Process’ in 14 countries across Africa. This process will be used by our Pioneers to equip pastors and regional leaders to make disciples who make disciples. It is very likely that this disciple-making process will be taking place in more than 20 countries by the end of 2019.

As I have communicated with the Pioneers in Africa about this, I have been receiving so much exciting feedback, here is just a little:

Nestor Ndizeye
National Pioneer, The Rooftop Burundi

Personally, I will begin to gather Churches and leaders of churches in order to show them our work in The Rooftop Ministries publicly, our vision, mission and our statement of faith. All of that will be analyzed in a seminar of 2 days, and I will choose a coordinator and the coordinator will choose a group of 12 as you mentioned in the name. All of that will be done in all 18 provinces of Burundi.

Josoa Emmanuel
National Pioneer, The Rooftop Madagascar

First, what we are going to do is to translate all The Rooftop documents in Malagasy (deadline – end of august) in the beginning of September, all the committee should have all docs in Malagasy and read it till the end of September. I will go to Tamatave (370 km from the capital) to train pastors in that area (about 56 pastors, from different denominations)

Phillip Mudzidzi (Rev.)
National Pioneer, The Rooftop Zimbabwe

I found the time at the Summit, impressing the more on my heart to reach out to church leaders, pastors and believers through the Mobile Discipleship School. I am planning and have already shared the vision with some of the leaders here and they are finding it in touch with the needs of the church in order to grow disciples who in turn will make disciples both from the people in church and those without. I have looked ahead and planned that we can start with people in Gweru, Bulawayo and Harare. We will be having groups of 12 people following the pattern Jesus used for a more personal touch with the disciples. I hope to have the first groups from these areas start on the 1st of September 2019 and meeting them every month for two days each time for six months. So we hope to complete the first groups of disciples End of February then we graduate them with certificates.

In addition to these responses, I have also been talking with Elijah Valcarcel, our Pioneer in Sierra Leone who is heading soon to the regions in the south of the country to make disciples among the ‘Never-Reached’ people who live there. I have also been talking with Theos Ntambwe, our Pioneer in D.R. Congo about the process being used to equip leaders-in-training at the Bible School he leads. The opportunities in Bible schools across Africa are numerous and I am excited at the possibility of Disciple-making being at the heart of equipping leaders of churches.

The disciple-making movement is also spreading across South Africa, Namibia, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Liberia, Nigeria and Ghana as well as into neighbouring countries.

As well as the expansion that is already taking place and now accelerating across Africa, we are soon to have The Rooftop Latin America Summit. It appears that we will have 12 potential National Pioneers coming together from South and Central America and the United States (home of around 60,000,000 Hispanic people). At this summit we will appoint pioneers who will be equipped to communicate the vision of The Rooftop and begin disciple-making movements in the countries where they live.

There is so much more to say about plans in relation to the GLOBAL ROOFTOP ENCOUNTER on the 10th October 2020 as well as expansion of The Rooftop in the US and UK and many new doors opening in Europe and Asia. I will provide a little more detail on these, next time!

We believe that ‘God is able’ and that through The Rooftop ministry 1,000,000 disciples could be made in 5 years.

That’s why we need your prayers and support!

Our key need is funding!

As the Pioneers expand the disciple-making movement across their countries and beyond, funds are required that will enable them to travel to cities and regions, to arrange gatherings of pastors and leaders, to translate and print materials.

Our costs are always kept to a minimum and we spend very little on administrative costs. You may find the following two facts interesting:

  • Over 95% of our funds are spent on Pioneers delivering ministry.
  • In Africa it costs less than $10,000 per-country-per-year for The Rooftop movement to make disciples who make disciples.

As you will have seen from the brief comments from some of our Pioneers in Africa, they are ready to go NOW and need funds that will make this possible.


Pray specifically that God will touch the hearts of people that He wants to use to provide funds for this ministry so that we can make disciples across the world.

Prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner:

To Donate to The Rooftop please visit our website and hit the DONATE button.

If you are already a regular financial partner, please would you consider making a special gift in addition to your, much appreciated regular support.

If you are not a financial partner, please would you consider becoming one! You may want to make a special gift or, if possible, become a regular donor.

Our Pioneers are reaching people who are beyond the walls, equipping Christians to reach people beyond the walls and ensuring that those who are reached are equipped to reach others. Please will you partner with us so that we can make 1,000,000 disciples over the next 5 years.

If you have any questions, or would like to talk with me in more detail, about becoming a financial partner please feel free to email me personally at

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

In Jesus,
