Pethers’ Prayer Points – 17th April 2019

 In Prayer Points

Welcome to my latest Pethers Prayer Points.

I have just returned home following a 5 week visit to the United States and Mexico. Throughout this trip the power and provision of God has been immense. A few things have been the most exciting.

A theme that I was able to speak on a number of times during the trip was ‘Spiritual Awakening’. I had some talks prepared for this but, a few days into the trip I found myself awake at 4am with a strong sense that there was something different that God wanted me to be saying. As a result, I spent some time preparing a message on ‘Power’.

The message was based on Ephesians 1:19,20. The Apostle Paul prayed that Christians would know:

‘his (God’s) incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead….’

Linked with Acts 1:8:

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

To be honest, it was a very simple message and I had the opportunity to preach it on a number of occasions in cities across the US. God certainly moved in power as, each time, almost the whole congregation responded by getting on their knees and crying out to God to fill them with the Holy Spirit and use them to share the gospel ‘in power’ so that their communities, beyond the walls of the church’ would be changed! Praise God!

As well as seeing God move in power there were also many occasions where God provided in remarkable ways through the generosity of people who have grasped the vision of The Rooftop and are partnering with us financially. This makes it possible for us to continue to grow the movement across the world. I am so grateful to each person who has responded in this way.

A further significant development during this trip was the assembling of a group of businessmen, pastors and an administrator who are keen to help with the expansion of The Rooftop into the Latin American world both across Central/South America and the United States. This new group will help by helping us to network more effectively in countries where we are already connected, introduce us into new countries, and seek ways to raise funds to enable these developments to take place. A key focus of this will be ‘The Rooftop Summit Espanol’. In November this year we will gather potential pioneers from across Latin America and the US to Panama to present the vision of The Rooftop and, we pray, to commission Pioneers across the continent to help churches to join Jesus in His Mission to make disciples beyond the walls of the church.

Last, but by no means least, is a potentially significant development with ‘Joining Jesus’.

You are probably aware that the ‘Mission Statement’ of The Rooftop is ‘Joining Jesus in His Mission’. The phrase ‘Joining Jesus’ has become an increasingly powerful aspect of The Rooftop and it is now the title for a range of things that I will be engaged in that will, I believe, help to accelerate the movement of The Rooftop across the world. This range is made up of:

A weekly email that is sent to people across the world. This short email is a brief reminder to continually be ‘Joining Jesus in His Mission’ every day of the week.
A Weekly video – I have been filming these at various locations around the world and will soon begin to release them on Facebook and other social media on a weekly basis.
A Podcast – I will be releasing podcasts that will incorporate conversations with people I meet around the world who are ‘Joining Jesus in His Mission’ around the world.
A leaders’ equipping process – It looks likely that I will be leading this process in up to 5 states in the US over the coming year as well as equipping our African Pioneers to lead it in countries across Africa.

I have now closed my personal website and will now use The Rooftop website which will incorporate all of the above.

Please pray for the following this week:

• For all those that responded during my recent visit to the US/Mexico – please be praying that the response they made will not be forgotten and that they will see God working through them powerfully as they seek to make Jesus known in the places where they live.
• For me, during this week and the week ahead as I work on a number of writing and practical tasks in relation to the development of the Joining Jesus initiatives.
• The development of The Rooftop into Latin America and the Spanish speaking people in the US. That God will continue to open doors and provide the resources that are required.
• For Lynn and I as we have the chance to spend some time together over the Easter break.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

I hope that you have a great Easter as you celebrate the remarkable truth that ‘He is Risen!’

In Jesus,
