Pethers’ Prayer Points 13th May 2019

 In Prayer Points

13th May 2019

Welcome to my latest Pethers Prayer Points.

The past couple of weeks for me personally have been spent in the UK speaking at churches, meeting with leaders, delivering the first ‘Joining Jesus’ online coaching session for pastors and continuing to make preparations for The Rooftop Africa Summit in June. I also had the opportunity to be part of an event, hosted by City Vision, at the House of Lords. As well as enjoying the opportunity to walk along ‘The corridors of power’, the meeting was a great opportunity to connect with leaders from across the UK and to explore ways of helping cities to Join Jesus in His Mission.

While I have been ‘on the ground’ in the UK, the impact of The Rooftop around the world has been continuing through the ministry of our National Pioneers and over the past couple of weeks there have been Rooftop Encounters taking place in the United States:

On 29th April a Rooftop Encounter took place in Washington D.C.
On 6th May a Rooftop Encounter took place in Dallas Texas.

To see more details and photographs from both of these Encounters please visit FaceBook and type ‘The Rooftop’ in search. This will take you to The Rooftop FaceBook page. Please scroll down and you will find this information.

As well as the Encounters in the Unites States, The Rooftop has continued to expand across Africa. We have now introduced The Rooftop into new regions in Tanzania and Kenya as well as into the countries of Namibia and Madagascar.

God is continuing to open doors and I am keen to make the most of some non-travelling time to put things in place that will be a real help to The Rooftop movement as it continues to expand across the world.

Please would you pray regarding the following:

For the ‘Joining Jesus’ online coaching. That those who participated in the first online session will put into practice the things that they have been given to do this month and they will learn-as-they-do these things.
• That pastors from states across the US who are considering Joining Jesus will ‘sign up’.
• For all who attended The Rooftop Encounters in Washington DC and Dallas. That the things they experienced on The Rooftop will not be left there but will impact the ways that they engage with the lost and expand the Kingdom beyond the walls of the church.
• For those that are connecting with The Rooftop in new regions and countries across Africa, that they will truly grasp the vision and enable churches across their region to ‘Join Jesus in His Mission’.
• For me as I deliver another Joining Jesus online coaching session today.
• On Thursday AM, I am meeting with a potential donor for the ministry. Please pray that God goes before me.
• On Thursday Evening, we have a UK board meeting for The Rooftop. Please pray that God will guide us as we consider and make important decisions regarding the development of the ministry.
• On Sunday I will be preaching at Maidstone Baptist church morning and evening. Please pray that God will speak powerfully and that lives will be changed.
• Please remember to pray for our need for funds as we continue to develop a fundraising strategy that will enable us to continue to develop the ministry across the world.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

In Jesus,
