
Equip Others

The Joining Jesus Journey is a process that can be used to help Christians to:

  • Encounter God and receive a fresh vision of His heart for the lost.
  • Engage with people outside of the church and share the message of Jesus.
  • Expand the Kingdom of God by becoming disciples who make disciples.

This process:

  • Can be used by a local church or group of churches
  • Works best as a ‘small team’ experience
  • Is ‘more than a bible study’, it focuses on ‘learning by doing in a context of supportive accountability’.

The Materials:

  • Consist of written manuals and short video clips
  • Are free to Download and use as required

We recommend that you download the materials and videos to a computer or thumb drive before you begin the course.

Joining Jesus Journey

Pastors and Leaders Course


Short Video Introduction

Video available in two languages – click the button below.