Jesus – Friend of Sinners!

 In Africa, News, Uganda

Richard Tumwesigye recently updated from Uganda on Facebook:

In Matthew 9:9-13, we see Jesus eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners. There has been a burden on my heart to start a rehabilitation home where we can care and share with the children of these friends of Jesus; the ladies, who earn their bread as commercial prostitutes, that we, as The Rooftop , reach out to with the gospel and love of Jesus in partnership with Teen Challenge and Freedom Centre Cathedral. Every time we meet with these ladies, my heart melts for these little ones. Their mothers do this commercial prostitution in the same houses they share with their children. Imagine what these little ones are exposed to at an early stage! They are being raised in unhealthy and immoral environment. I trust we can do something practically through the ministry of Jesus Christ.

I strongly believe that, if these children are a given the opportunity to be raised in good and healthy environment, they can become great women and men of God. I have shared this idea with their mothers who are more than ready to entrust them to us and even partner with us where possible to raise them as God desires. If you feel touched to be part of this project. Please inbox me. God bless you.