Global Encounter News #5

 In Global Encounter, International Pioneer, Japan, News, Prayer Points, South Korea

From Dennis Pethers:

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your prayers over the past couple of weeks, I am pleased to be able to update you with lots of really good news.

A really good place to start is with news that I received from John Whaley regarding his wife, Susan,

John wrote:
We are doing well! We are two months out from the surgery and Susan is almost fully recovered! Physical and speech therapy has discharged her. Her right arm is still weak and she does not have full use of it but it is getting stronger. We began using tens therapy this week to stimulate the muscles and nerves.
God has been so good and so faithful through all of this! One of our medical providers fully discounted all they have done and will do for Susan through May 2020! People have given through the GoFundMe page Anica set up to help with medical expenses. Our church and the churches that I work with that are part of Impact Newton-Conover have taken up special love offerings for us. On top of that, we have received unexpected gifts from individuals to help us make ends meet. Let me say it again … God is good!

This is such good news and a real answer to the prayers of so many people – thanks to all who have been praying and please DON’T STOP!

There is also lots of good news is in relation to dynamic expansion of the ministry.

I have spent the last couple of weeks in Asia meeting with leaders and presenting the vision of The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER.

The first leg of the trip was in Seoul, South Korea. This is a country where we had a strong connection as a result of John Whaley leading an ENCOUNTER at the Lotte World Tower in 2018. I was able to meet with a number of leaders from across the city and share the vision of the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER. The response was really positive and I am delighted that God also led me to a leader who will be coordinating the ENCOUNTER in Seoul. Rev Sungtae Kim is a pastor in Seoul and, in the way that only God can, Rev Kim was being prepared by the Lord to connect with The Rooftop even before I arrived, yet another remarkable story.

While I was in Seoul I was also able to connect via phone and Zoom with leaders in the Philippines, Nepal and Mongolia – again, God prepared the way for these conversations and we now have coordinators in each of these countries.

Following my time in Seoul, the next leg was Japan. As with South Korea, God had prepared the way. The opening into Japan came following a strong connection that I was able to make with a leader in Chicago during 2019. Rich has a deep passion for Japan and in the past lived there for almost 5 years. He put together a great itinerary and it was wonderful that he came to Japan along with with Jumi, a Japanese lady now living in Chicago, who was an amazing guide and translator as well as Jim, the Chief International Officer of ‘Lead Like Jesus’ a ministry that is happening in some 20 countries across the world.

Our time in Japan began in Tokyo. The sheer size of the city is breath taking and it is heart wrenching to think that in this city, as across Japan, less than 1% of the people have any real connection with the message of Jesus. Tokyo was non-stop as we met with pastors, church planters and the Founder/CEO of a Christian media Company based in the city and reaching across Japan. Doors are open wide and I hope to be able to confirm a Tokyo coordinator in the next few days.

From Tokyo we travelled to Hiroshima and were welcomed by a pastor who immediately told us that it is impossible to visit and work alongside churches, and seek to reach people, in Hiroshima without first gaining an understanding of the impact of the Atom bomb that was dropped on the city on Aug 6 1945. Consequently, our first visit was to the Peace Park museum in the middle of the city and the afternoon was spent taking in what happened in this city so many years ago. I confess that the images that I saw along with words that I read and heard spoken through my head set made a deep and lasting impression. The time in Hiroshima was brief but meetings with pastors were very well received and there are real possibilities that there will be an ENCOUNTER in Hiroshima.

The last leg of the Japan tour was Osaka and, whist not as enormous as Tokyo, this is also a vast mass of humanity. Our schedule in Osaka was non-stop and we met with so many pastors and leaders across a variety of church networks. There is a great deal of enthusiasm for The Rooftop and I am soon to follow up with a number who want to help coordinate The GLOBAL ENCOUNTER across the city.

Next stop, Singapore!

As well as the significant steps forward in Asia over the past couple of weeks we have also seen many developments in Africa as the Pioneers there are beginning to take huge strides in expansion into many cities and new countries. Plans are also underway for real growth in Latin America. Another door that is opening wide is into Europe and I will tell you more next time, including more news about The Rooftop Essex ENCOUNTER in the UK on 30th May.

Please will you pray for the following in the week ahead:

  • For all the leaders in S. Korea and Japan who will be connecting, or who are praying/thinking about connecting with The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER. Please pray that each one will be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and do what He leads them to do.
  • For my meetings with leaders in Singapore over the next few days. That God will lead me to those that He has been preparing.
  • For Clay Coulter in the United States as he puts the final touches to a global Christian media campaign and begins to contact broadcasters. Please pray that the story of The Rooftop will be well received and told to many all over the world. Please also pray that those who hear or see will be inspired to Join Jesus in His Mission.
  • For pioneers in Africa, Latin America, USA and UK, that God will continue to open doors.
  • For God’s provision. As the pioneers are beginning to travel extensively to communicate the vision of The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER, it is imperative that we raise some funds very quickly.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

In Jesus,