GLOBAL ENCOUNTER NEWS – 16th October 2019

 In Global Encounter, News

I am sorry that it has been a while since I sent my last Pethers Prayer Points. Things have been so busy over the past few months but here, at last, is the first of the new GLOBAL ENCOUNTER NEWS. From now on you will receive these on a regular basis.
As I write this G.E.N. I am on my way to the United States at the beginning of a four week visit there and to Panama for The Rooftop Latin America Summit. Before I outline what is coming up in the near future, let me take a few moments to tell you about some of the things that have been happening.
But first, let me begin by reminding you of what the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER is!
On 10th October 2020 we are staging an event that will be taking place in up to 100 countries around the world. On that day Christians in cities, towns and villages will go to high places, look across their community and seek a fresh vision of God’s heart for the lost. This ‘Encounter’ with God will lead to those that gather being equipped to make disciples beyond the walls of the church – ‘A Moment that leads to a Movement’. We are praying that this will lead to an awakening across the world. Our purpose is to make 1,000,000 disciples in 100 countries.
Over the past few weeks there have been some significant developments, I have briefly listed some of these below:

  • In the United States, Rooftop Encounters happened in Tucson and Yuma, Arizona and key meetings have taken place that we believe will result in a Rooftop Encounter taking place in every Capitol city on the 10th October 2020 as part of the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER.
  • In numerous countries across Africa, our pioneers have been expanding the ministry as they have been to cities and towns, sharing the vision of The Rooftop, equipping leaders and, in some cases, translating The Rooftop materials into their native language.
  • In the United Kingdom, significant progress has been taking place towards the city of Chelmsford, where I live and ‘The Birthplace of Radio’ becoming the launch venue for the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER. It has been both humbling and exciting to see how, over and over again, the Lord has clearly opened doors and connected us with leaders and influencers. To Him be all the glory.
  • As well as expanding the ministry in continents where we have a presence the Lord has also, again through a variety of ‘God-incidents’ opened new doors into Asia and Latin America. In early November we will be hosting The Rooftop Latin America Summit in Panama City, Panama. During this summit we will be equipping new pioneers who will develop the ministry in up to 12 countries across central and South America as well as in the United States. In January 2020, I will be visiting leaders in S. Korea, Japan, The Philippines and Singapore with the possibility of also visiting leaders in Thailand. In late Spring I will be visiting leaders across Europe.

A great deal of work has also been taking place to ensure that things are all in place for the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER. To this end we have:

  • Created a new Logo especially for the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER, this logo can be seen at the top of this newsletter.
  • Updated the website with new information an materials that can be downloaded to promote and host a local ENCOUNTER as part of the GLOBAL ENCOUNTER.
  • Created a new video that outlined the vision of The GLOBAL ENCOUNTER and invites people to become financial partners – you can view this video at the website

We are also about to expand the International Team by appointing Dave Lodge as Communications Manager with The Rooftop international. Dave will be focused on telling the story of The GLOBAL ENCOUNTER through a variety of media and social media.
Last, but not least, we are also beginning to develop connections with a variety of Christian Radio and TV networks to explore ways of using these platforms to share the story of The GLOBAL ENCOUNTER more widely.
As you can see, a great deal has been happening and we would really appreciate your prayers for some things that are coming up in the near future, at this stage, these requests are primarily in relation to my role as the international Pioneer.
Please will you pray for the following:

  • For The Rooftop Pioneers around the world as they begin to raise awareness of The Rooftop GLOBAL ENCOUNTER across the countries where they live.
  • For final preparations in relation to The Rooftop Latin America Summit.
  • For provision of the funds that are urgently needed to enable us to stage The GLOBAL ENCOUNTER.

Thank you so much,
In Jesus,

Board members