As part of the preparations for the Global Encounter on 10th October 2020, Koiwu Scott (The Rooftop Pioneer for Liberia) has visited a community in District#3 in Montserrado County to share the [...]
Rev. Koiwu Scott, The Rooftop Pioneer for Liberia completed a special workshop on Saturday, December 7,2019 to create the awareness about our upcoming Global Encounter and to share the vision and [...]
In Liberia, we have started making disciples. There was a one-day workshop among church leaders and church workers held on 7th December 2019. Koiwu Scott, the National Pioneer for Liberia, was [...]
I am very grateful to the Lord for His Faithfulness. Since my return to Liberia, I have started the Rooftop activities. I am presently involved in the following: I have formed an acting advisory [...]