People ‘Join Jesus in His Mission’ in Kenya.

 In Africa, Kenya, News

Praise be to God almighty for what He has done. It was on Sunday 17/9/17 at youth service when I was sharing the message of hope from the book of 2nd Kings 3-20,James 1:2-4 and Romans 8:28 among other related scriptures on how to overcome the spirit of Defeat/fear in relation to sharing the word of God and pursuing our visions and dreams and take courage no matter the challenges that may come our way . Towards the end of the sermon, a group of youth from the crowd came forward and gave their lives to Christ. After the service five people joined the rooftop ministry ambassadors and will participate in the forthcoming 23rd. 09.2017 The Rooftop ministry ambassadors evangelism mission at South Coast, Kwale County of Kenya. To God be the Glory.

Boniface Ojode (National Pioneer – Kenya).