22 for 22 – Could you Partner with The Rooftop Global Encounter?

 In United Kingdom

7th August 2021

On October 22nd 2022, The Rooftop is hosting what could be the largest gathering of Christians there has ever been.

On that day in over 100 countries spread across every continent of the world Christians will gather on rooftops, hilltops, other high places or online. They will look out over their neighbourhoods, communities and cities and ask God to help them to see what He sees.

The launch will take place and be coordinated in Chelmsford, Essex – the birthplace of radio – and over a 24 hour period, in hundreds of towns and cities across the world!

We believe that The Rooftop Global Encounter will lead to a global Movement as the church steps outside the walls and becomes what it was always intended to be – a community of disciples who are united behind Jesus and His Mission to seek and save the lost by making disciples among all the people of the world

Could you become a Partner?

We are looking for regular financial help from people around the UK. A partnership of £22 a month, will enable The Rooftop Global Encounter to happen in the UK and around the world as 50% of all 22FOR22 funds will be used in the UK and 50% in countries across Australasia, Asia, Africa, Europe, South and North America.

Click Here, to visit our Giving Page for details of how to sign up.