John Whaley, The Rooftop U.S National Pioneer writes: Washington D.C.: Ever since our first visit to Washington D.C., God has granted us favor with pastors and leaders as we prepare for the D.C. [...]
The Poster for The Rooftop Multi-City Encounter has now been released. Click on the link to view. The Encounter will be taking places in up to 20 cities across the world on 20th May 2018 [...]
Praise be to God almighty for what He has done. It was on Sunday 17/9/17 at youth service when I was sharing the message of hope from the book of 2nd Kings 3-20,James 1:2-4 and Romans 8:28 among [...]
A recent update from Richard: “Casting the vision and mission of The Rooftop International Ministries to the pastors and leaders in Mbarara Western Uganda. It was a success. Thank you Pr. [...]
Stay on Mission The Gospel Story If you and I were sitting down over lunch and I asked you, “What is the Gospel?”, what would you say? Hopefully, you would give an answer similar to this one…The [...]